April Release 2.28

  • Fix to reduce the likelihood of reports timing out for larger practices. Additionally, reports will only refresh if there is new data every 2 hours now (was previously every 15 mins) to reduce the need for unnecessary reloading.

  • Fix to resolve an issue with the version number displayed in the desktop app not updating to the latest version, even after a successful update of the application.

  • Fix to resolve issue with chance of wrong prompt being displayed if triggered within 30 seconds of another prompt for the same GP.

  • Update to allow AUDIT-C table to be extracted from Best Practice.

April Release 2.27

  • The Health Assessments report has been updated to show all Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander patients in order meet the current requirements (previously this was only applicable to patients over the age of 15)

  • Added support for an additional new ethnic code introduced to Best Practice. Lack of support for this ethnic code was causing issues with incorrect patient counts for PIP QI data for Best Practice practices, as patients with the new ethnic code were being excluded.

  • Updates to installation guides to change wording in the ‘practitioner settings’ section to make it clear that it refers to a user (which may not be general practitioner), and that a user must be selected before proceeding

March Release 2.26

  • Update to QIM 3b (Proportion of regular patients with a weight classification) calculation to fix issue with under 18s from being excluded due to height restrictions that should only apply to patients over 18.

  • Update to QIM5 (Proportion of patients with diabetes who were immunised against influenza) calculation to exclude diabetics that are allergic to or have declined a flu vaccination.

  • The calculation of “active” patients for PIP QI reporting purposes previously did not meet the RACGP definition of “active” as patients who visited a practice but did not see a GP were not included as “active”. This update corrects the definition of “active” to include these patients.

  • The Heart Foundation released new guidelines and a new Cardiovascular Disease (CVD) risk calculator in 2023, however the new calculator is not yet available to be incorporated into Primary Sense. The new CVD Risk calculator returns % risk scores that are roughly half the value of the current (old) calculator, and has adjusted the risk ratings (i.e. high is now >10% rather than >15%). The old calculator is still valid, however the National Clinical Advisory Group believe that presenting the % risk score from the old calculator (as is currently done) without further explanation is likely to create clinical confusion, and have stated that additional clarification is needed to avoid this. As an interim solution until the new calculator can be incorporated, this update has replaced the percentage scores in the Cardiovascular Disease Risk Factors report and Missing CV Risk Medication prompt with risk ratings (moderate, high), added a link to the new calculator, and removed the CV Risk Score column from the report.

  • Fix for issue with patients on anti-hypertension medications being recorded as missing this medication on the Hypertension Management report. This report contains columns for ‘missing antihypertensive med’ and ‘missing lipid lowering med’, and should display ‘Y’ if the med missing or not recorded, or ‘N’ if the med is not missing. The report was previously showing a ‘Y’ for ‘missing antihypertensive med’ for patients who are on antihypertensive medications but are also flagged as not being on a combination statin + anti-hypertensive medication. This fix addresses this issue so that these patients are correctly recorded as not missing anti-hypertensive medication in this situation.

  • Update to the ‘Using Reports’ Quick Reference Guide to reflect changes to Cardiovascular Disease Risk Factors report and Missing CV Risk Medication prompt from this release. The updated quick reference guide can be found here.

March Release 2.25

  • An additional table has been added to the Bowel and Breast Cancer Screening report containing female Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander patients aged 40-49, as these patients are eligible for breast cancer screening from age 40 in some states.

  • Update to data extracted from Best Practice so that patients flagged as no longer requiring cervical screening in Best Practice do not count as missing QIM 9 (proportion of female patients with an up-to-date cervical screening) and will be accurately reflected in PIP QI reports. Note: this will impact patients who are flagged with this status moving forward, patients who have previously been flagged with this status may still appear as missing QIM 9 in reports unless their record is re-extracted

  • Fix for issue with missing appointment dates for Medical Director practices which should allow appointment dates to be re-extracted correctly so that the correct appointment date is reflected in reports. Note it may take some time for this data to accumulate in reports.

  • The ‘Using Reports’ Quick Reference Guide has now been updated to include information about the Cardiovascular Disease Management report.

January Release 2.24

  • The Cancer Screen Report now correctly displays patients once. Previously it occasionally had duplications of patient records.  

  • Cardiovascular Disease Management Report was not updating correctly and showing an error message. This has now been fixed.  

  • Bug fix to Performance tab in Desktop. ‘Medications checked for an alert’ now shows data. The data will change and reflect the desired timeframe when a user selects the different timing options e.g. view last three months, view last two months, view last one month.

  • The description of the Health Assessment and Patients with High Complexity (5 and 4) incorrectly identified the time period when a patient visited a practice. This has now been updated to match the logic.  

  • The meningococcal B vaccine is now funded for all children in Queensland (QLD) and South Australia (SA). The Primary Sense Clinical Advisory Group agreed the meningococcal prompts should be for all children, as due to the serious nature of the disease, parents should be offered the opportunity to pay if unfunded. 

  • The GP meningococcal prompt now: 

      • appears for all children not just Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander children  

      • includes a reminder that the meningococcal B vaccination is not free outside of QLD/SA.

January Release 2.23

  • Bug fix to update coronary artery calcium score to exclude its use as an indicator for CVD in CV Risk Report.

  • Fix to the Primary Sense Performance tab in Desktop. Users can now see data. Zeros are no longer appearing across multiple fields. 

  • Summary Improvement Report sub header has been updated to: Patients missing accreditation measures 

December Release 2.22

  • Bug fix to resolve the issue that was preventing updates to certain staff category fields during the extraction of data from the Extractor.

December Release 2.21

  • Bug fix to update how QIM 9 percentage is calculated in the PIP QI - 10 Measures Report.

  • Bug fix to ‘High Complexity Children’ tool tip text in the Clinical Audit Tool. It now reads: Children < 17 yrs with ACG band 3,4 or 5 with last visit date 

  • Bug fix to stop prompts being sent to non-GP staff. 

November Release 2.20

  • Clinical audit functionality now allows GPs to export patient lists that can be used in other tools like HotDocs to send SMS messages.   

  • Bug fix so prompts are consistently visible. In some circumstances, a prompt may have shown once and then no further prompts were shown for the day.

  • Fix to resolve error message in Cardiovascular Disease Risk Factors report.  

October Release 2.18

  • New clinical audit functionality to give practices the ability to see broader range of results in a more simplistic manner than standard reports. This functionality is available in the following reports:

    • Patients with eGFr<60

    • High complexity children

    • CVD and SBP > 150

    • Osteoporosis

    • STD screening in 15-29yr

    • Patients with hep C

  • Bug fixes to correct Missing PIPQI and accreditation, PIPQI 10 measures and Patient booked with missing PIP QI reports. CV risk should not have any results included to indicate possible diabetes.

  • Enhancements to the following reports with no billing or visit information:

    • Chronic Lung and Asthma

    • Cardiovascular Disease Risk

    • Frailty Care Management

    • Winter Wellness

    • Summary Report of Practice Improvements

    • Accreditation

    • Characteristics of the PHN patient population

    • PIP QI 10 measures

    • Patients booked in with missed QI measures

  • Bug fix to Diabetes report to now show a patient’s latest blood pressure results without a time restriction.

  • Bug fix to restore a prompt when a GP chooses to re-enable it after opting out.

  • Bug fix to add missing actions for ‘due medication review’ prompt.

  • Bug fix to remove inactive or merged practitioners in the Desktop.

  • SMS functionality available in High Complexity Patients and Voluntary Patient Registration reports.

September Release 2.17

  • From 1 October, general practices can register for MyMedicare - a new voluntary patient registration. Practices can run a report to identify patients that are eligible for MyMedicare.  

September Release 2.15 and 2.16

  • Fix to address PIP QI report - 10 Measures report. Data is no longer showing as zero for ‘regular patient count’ and zero percent for ‘patients with an alcohol consumption result’

  • Fix to resolve appointment dates that did not have a date stamp in Medical Director

  • Fix to prompts for Best Practice practices where a GP was recorded as ‘contractor’

  • Hypertension Report has been optimised to run quicker

  • Update to Cardiovascular Risk Management Report so it is now in line with the latest Australian cardiovascular risk calculations

  • Fix to alerts occasionally displaying odd characters

August Release 2.14

  • New Hypertension report. Practices can now find patients with coded hypertension without BP and pathology tests for monitoring side effects of hypertension and CVD risk in the past 12 months; and where there hasn't been a prescriptions for lipid lowering ,or antihypertensive medications in the past 18 months. 

July Release 2.13

  • New CQI template to Primary Sense Desktop.

  • Fix to address when the Desktop was set to read-only or hidden, causing it to stop working.  

July Release 2.12

  • Fix to Frailty report to allow 'export to excel' and 'export to csv' options.

  • Updates to the PIPQI report - 10 measures to include the numerator and denominator against each QIM.

July Release 2.11.1

  • Fix to reports issue where data was duplicated or not showing correctly for ‘multi-tabled’ reports.

June Release 2.11

  • Functionality to generate a CSV export from all patient list reports, suitable for sending SMS via HotDocs to patients.

  • Update to Quick Reference Guides in the Desktop app to (under CQI > Guides).

April Release 2.8

  • Fix to Medical Director data mapping for QIM 7.

March Release 2.6

  • Update to exclude patients active but ‘deleted’ from Primary Sense reports. 

  • Revamp of existing COVID-19 desktop report to focus on Winter Wellness.

  • Update to Primary Sense Extractor to collect patient status code more regularly.